10 (earth inspired) gems to collect this week!

a weekly compilation of gems on primitives - click in to see more by each creator and collect em' all :)

“Polypore Fungus”
Found this little guy on a hike this week in Michigan.
creator | @jeremyvoh

creator | @amipika

“Run With The Stars”
Marcus Aurelius quote about dwelling on the simple cosmic beauties in life. Mirrored image of trees.
creator | @chrisdangertine

Autor Pablo.
creator | @traderencadenado

“Staircase to clouds”
I photograph some places too. I loved these stairs. They actually lead to a cool cemetery on top of this hill. I crouched down almost lying on the sidewalk to get this shot with my iphone camera.
creator | @chrisolearyart

represents grounded on earth.
creator | @hellosweetheart

“Glitch Rio”
Digital interference over analog photography.
creator | @marvin

“'s profile background”
creator | @septiyadi

“My place”
creator | @queenv

"Growing seed"
creator | @gee1974