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10 gems to collect this week

10 gems to collect this week

a weekly compilation of gems on primitives - click in to see more by each creator and collect em' all :)

“Egg Flowers 🌹”
Collected by LightDao community
creator | @lightdao

creator | @justbeyouuu

“the girl in the white dress”
Ashanti shot by Aaron Feaver in LA
creator | @ashanti

“Pride & Prejudice: Universe”
The Universe is in the eye of the beholder.
creator | @thestudio

Digital Artwork by Phillip Morris 2024
creator | @phillipmorrisart

“escape from new york (2024)”
original poem by billie fabrikant first published on primitives.xyz
creator | @elegantbullshit

“The Art”
Ball Abstract art
creator | @mythoughtsai

“Tormented #1”
American art award winning art masterpiece (category 8) Drawn by Bruno Chibuike in 2021. Charcoal and graphite pencil on pelican paper.
creator | @brunoart_10

creator | @izane

creator | @zeeko